
Called to Africa 2016

As I sit here writing this letter, my heart races with excitement and anticipation!!  Why you ask? Allow me to share a bit of history ...

At ten years old, the Lord laid Africa on my heart.  There was nowhere specific, just simply Africa.  But, being so young I simply thought this was God's way of opening my heart to missions, in general.  Therefore, I tried to put it out of my mind.  However, God had other plans!  As much as I tried, I couldn't forget what I had heard that still small voice whispering.  It seemed everywhere I turned Africa would pop up out of nowhere; pastors, missionary stories/articles, friends, movies, music. Everywhere I turned, I was being shown AFRICA.

I knew missions was something God was calling me to, but wasn't sure exactly what it would look like.  Last year, a mission organization called “Mission Nanny's” was placed in my path.  Thinking this was something God wanted me to pursue, I looked into it, excited to see there were positions open in Africa.  However, after much consideration and personal testimonies, I prayerfully decided this is not where God was leading.
Now, at the age of almost 21, thinking I had made a wrong turn or heard God wrong or missed an open door or something … God decided it was to time to reveal His perfect plan :)  God has placed in my path a godly couple who are missionaries to Ghana, West Africa, ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to orphans and widows.  God has opened a unique opportunity, through Jim & Caroline Driscoll, (apart of Every Child Ministries), for me to go serve along side them.  After talking with the couple myself, I knew right away that I was supposed to go – now to only convince my parents.  However, God works in mighty ways, He already had verified this call to my parents. When they confirmed what I was already feeling, I was overwhelmed to the point of tears.

My plan is (Lord-willing) to go to Biriwa, Ghana, West Africa for three months; June - August, 2016. My goals I hope to achieve from this trip are:

:: to grow in the knowledge and likeness of my Savior
:: fulfilling God's call in my life
:: sharing with the orphans the transforming power of the one and only True God
:: showing the orphans the unconditional love of a complete stranger
(I will be staying at the orphanage for about two weeks)
:: ministering to the teen girls caught within an immoral generational curse
...and so much more that is still yet to be determined (by Him)!

I truly stand in awe at how my Lord is putting all the little things together, without my help.  From the immutable conviction in purity woven into my heart at the age of nine, a burden on my heart for these immoral generational curses, all the way down to my family giving stateside orphans a home. Without my help, God has put everything together so perfectly and equipping me for even climate and bugs (read Luke 10:19 for the bugs).  God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called and He has called me.  I can't explain the peace/excitement/joy/anticipation I am feeling right now!  Who would have thought the someone He would choose would be ME?

I am very excited to heed this calling in which God has placed in my life, and cannot wait to see what He does.

If you would like to support me financially, you can donate here:
Called to Africa 2016

If you would like to keep up with the trip, you can follow along here:
Hearing the Call


  1. So filled with joy for you, Ali!! It is exceedingly beautiful and intensely delightful to follow the call of our precious Savior (1 Peter 2:7) wherever He leads because He is with us! Praying He will provide for your physical needs ($) as well as for calm during this busy time of preparation (Ex. 33:14). The Lord will do mighty things--I have no doubt! (John 15:16)

    Love in Christ,
    ♡ Moriah

    1. Aww Moriah - thank you so much!! Your comment brought a big smile to my face and tears to my eyes :')

      Thank you so much for you prayers - they are very much appreciated :D

      Blessings to you dear friend!!!!!!!

  2. I'm so happy for you, Ali!! I'm praying for you, as well!!


    1. Chloe,
      Aww thank you!!!! Your prayers are greatly appreciated :)

      In HIS grace,

  3. Thank you for sharing this, Alisha. Will be praying for you!

    1. Bella,
      Thank you for your prayers - I greatly appreciate them :)

      In HIS grace,

  4. I'll be praying for you Alisha. God will do great things through you. :)
    When are you leaving?
    You said in your last post "Stay tuned for Engagement this Thursday." Are you still going to post that? :)

    1. Ashley,
      Thank you SO much for your prayers :) You're so sweet - I'm praying He uses me in mighty ways! :)
      I leave May 30th (Lord-willing).
      I am going to try to post it - I've been a tad bit busy. If I don't post it this week, I'll be posting it early February.

      In HIS grace,

  5. Hey Alisha! It's Rhey's buddy Livy! I am so happy for you that you are going on your mission trip to Ghana! I have been praying for you a lot! Keep stepping Heavenward!

    1. Livy,
      Awe you're so sweet <3 :) I'm happy I get to go too ;) I'll have Rhey forward pictures to you while I'm gone. That way you can see what I'm up to ;) ;)
      Thank you for your prayers girly, I really appreciate them!!



Hey there, thanks for stopping by my blog! Okay so I already said what I needed to say in the post, so now is your chance...I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Here are the basic ground rules:

- when in doubt, don't know what to do next, or even bored...leave a comment!
- be yourself
- remember, your words can plant seeds. Which seeds...that's up to you!
- I like you and what you have to say :D

So what are you waiting for?? Have fun commenting :D ♥

♥ Alisha ♥