
What would YOU like?

Okay, so I want to write posts that my reader are wanting to read.  So I am asking you all to do me a favor...please tell me what you would like me to write.  Even if it's something I've never posted about...tell me!  However, I will not post anything inappropriate, rude, or that will be pleasing to the Devil...that's just who I am.
  1. Should I add interviews with young ladies?
  2. Would you like more posts containing Scripture?
  3. Would you like posts that involve more topics on purity, modesty, etc?
  4. Would you like reading about me and my family have been up to?
  5. Would you like more stories or poems that I've written?
  6. Would you like scrap-booking/card-making tutorials?
I would really like your opinion, so feel free to leave a comment!  I want this blog to appeal to my readers - which means that what I write has to be what you want!



  1. scrapbooking and card making tutorials sounds great to me!Oh,and poetry and scripture !

  2. I like reading anything you write ,really! :)
    ~Taylor Audrey


Hey there, thanks for stopping by my blog! Okay so I already said what I needed to say in the post, so now is your chance...I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Here are the basic ground rules:

- when in doubt, don't know what to do next, or even bored...leave a comment!
- be yourself
- remember, your words can plant seeds. Which seeds...that's up to you!
- I like you and what you have to say :D

So what are you waiting for?? Have fun commenting :D ♥

♥ Alisha ♥