
The Transformed Girl

Have you considered that you have to feel pain, in order for the pain to heal?
I know, I know … weird right?  However, I've recently learned that, what I just stated is so true!
I'm currently going through the healing process and am learning this the hard way.
I recently prayed for God to help me heal from the pain I've been dealing with in whatever ways He saw fit, while doubting all the while it would happen (after all, I had messed up terribly).

But then it happened.
God started doing exactly the impossible
He started repairing my heart.
And it is in this article, that I hope to encourage those of you who are going through the same thing.

I was (am) amazed at how He decided to go about the repairing of this heart of mine.  Again, I learned that when you're praying for something “important” … be specific lol!

How does He repair a broken heart?

The repairing is taking place through … pain!

Not something I was expecting, but I guess this girl needed to go through this pain in order to heal.

Is it God's fault that I'm facing this pain?
Yes it is true that everything filters through the hands of God, and yes He could have stopped what happened from happening.  But God isn't an iron fist God.  God gives us the “choice” to either follow His ways or “rebel” and go our own way.

It's Alisha's fault that she's facing the pain.  She knew better than to set herself up for rejection, failure, hurt, a shattered heart, and scars.  It was her choice to follow the world's plan instead of her Father's plan.

“The world's plan always leads us to places of pain, loneliness, and a deep ache for belonging that seems just out of reach.”

I knew these words to be true, but it was only head knowledge.  The knowledge of these words that I possessed hadn't made the vertical drop.  The drop that would make my head knowledge to become heart knowledge.

It was my choice to turn from Him and His protection.

“If there's an area of your life where you turn away from the direction of His truth – you deny yourself the protection of His truth.”

I made the choice to turn away from His truth.  In the words of one of  Mom's friends:
“She has rebelled against the will of God”

It is so weird at how different your life feels when you walk out of His will.  You literally feel like your world is spiraling out of control, you can't stop things from happening, and when you try … things get worse.  You feel yourself pull away from God, His voice becomes distant … and you don't feel the Holy Spirit heeding/convicting you.  You begin to compromise your convictions … and then …
You've hit rock bottom … and wonder how you are going to get back up again, and how you will cope with all the pain you've caused for yourself.

“We must feel the pain to heal the pain.”

It hurts, I know … but just know that the pain you feel isn't the enemy!

“Pain isn't the enemy.  Pain is the indicator that brokenness exists.  Pain is the reminder that the real enemy is trying to take us out and bring us down by keeping us stick in broken places.  Pain is the gift that motivates us to fight with brave tenacity and fierce determination knowing there's healing on the other side.”

Realizing that you're broken is a great place to be!

“Alisha, you're insane!  How can realizing that you're broken be a great place to be?  You must not know what I've gone through.  I've had a guy promise me that he'd never leave/forget me, telling me he loves me with his entire being one minute, and then escape the face of the planet, not contacting me the next.  Being broken and rejected is not a great place to be … it's exactly the opposite!”

Honey, I get you.  I went through the same exact circumstance … yes it hurts.  Yes it stinks to know that you made a mistake.  I'm not saying to “pretend” nothing happened.  Acknowledge the brokenness within you, and move on.  Realizing the brokenness within you makes you better off.  Thinking you're absolutely fine, “pretending” that you're okay when you aren't really … it's doing more harm than good.

“Numbing the pain never goes to the source of the real issue to make us healthier.  It only silences our screaming need for help.”

Don't let the devil blind you.  You've already been blinded because of your sin … sin itself blinds (Isaiah 6:10; 43:8,18; Zephaniah 1:17; Matthew 15:14; John 2:10; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Hebrews 3:12-13)Don't let rejection have the final say in your circumstance – don't become subject to the devil's deceit.  You are worth more than all of this.  You are worth more than what any guy claims to feel about you.  You are worth more than the lie of rejection.

“The voices of condemnation, shame, and rejection can come at you, but they don't have to reside in you.”

“Rejection never has the final say.  Rejection may be a delay or distraction or even a devastation for a season.  But it's never a final destination.  You are destined for a love that can't ever be diminished, tarnished, shaken or taken.  With Jesus, you're forever safe.  You're forever held.  Completely loved and invited in.”

When you make the decision to overcome the lie of rejection, allow God to reside in you (and not rejection), you will feel yourself start to grow in your faith.  Allow this season of brokenness to grow you in the One who holds your heart, and sees you for the jewel you are.

“Heartbreaking seasons can certainly grow you, but are never meant to define you.”

“On the other side of every hardship is a resurrection.”

Let this season (autumn) be the resurrection in your season of brokenness.  Set your sight on things of that above.  Focus on The One who made you more than what the world claims you are.  Don't fear the thought of never being liked / loved.

“Fear can't catch what it can no longer reach.”

Become so far removed from fear of rejection, that it won't be able to reach you ever again.

Take every thought captive and decide today … right now that you will not conform to the world's outlook on life, relationships, etc.

Don't be a conformed girl …

… be the transformed girl!

* all quotes in italics are taken from Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst *

1 comment:

Hey there, thanks for stopping by my blog! Okay so I already said what I needed to say in the post, so now is your chance...I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Here are the basic ground rules:

- when in doubt, don't know what to do next, or even bored...leave a comment!
- be yourself
- remember, your words can plant seeds. Which seeds...that's up to you!
- I like you and what you have to say :D

So what are you waiting for?? Have fun commenting :D ♥

♥ Alisha ♥