
We have a choice to make

As I stated in my post Predestination vs. Free will, I have been trying to study out the why I believe the way I do.  I don't want to have the faith my parents or my pastor or friends have, I want to have the faith that God wants me to have.

Through this study of mine, I have asked God to give me opportunities to talk about my faith with a friend .., and like always, He faithfully answered :)

As a dear friend of mine was sharing with me a theological discussion (predestination vs. free will) she was having with a friend, through this whole discussion and study, I asked myself this question

"If God hasn't already chosen who He wants to follow Him, then why did the disciples follow Christ after He said 'follow me'?"

So, I got to thinking + praying ... and as I was ironing for Daddy the other night ... God gave me a revelation!!

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
{Matthew 4:19}

This verse clearly shows us that we all  have a choice when it comes to Salvation!  Jesus is constantly holding out His hand to a lost soul saying "follow Me" ... it is our choice to either reach out for that hand or to reject it.

Peter and Andrew didn't have to leave their nets behind and follow Jesus.  They could have stayed in the boat and continued living for themselves.  Because they followed Him, they had the opportunity of a life time.  They were able to be under the teaching of the Lord ... they were able to physically sit at His feet.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, didn't have to believe the angel.  She could have laughed and told him "yeeeah ... you see ... I'm not willing to do this!  I'm betrothed!!!!"  But because she didn't ... through her, we have the hope of a Savior!!

The woman at the well didn't have to believe that the Man speaking to her was indeed the Messiah .. none the less run and tell the townspeople about Him.  She could have laughed at Him and turned her back.  Because she believed, they had the opportunity to tell others about Him.  And because of her belief, the people said to her “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.” {John 4:42}

It all boils down to this .... we have a choice to make!!

We can either choose Heaven or we can choose Hell.

Which will you choose???

In HIS grace, Alisha


  1. You put it in such a lovely way, Alisha! =) So glad we agree on this subject.

  2. I like what you guys are up too. This sort of clever work and exposure!
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  3. I just found your blog today, and this is so encouraging to see! I love Matthew 4:19. And it is so encouraging to see other Christian women who agree on this too!! :D Thank you for sharing!


Hey there, thanks for stopping by my blog! Okay so I already said what I needed to say in the post, so now is your chance...I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Here are the basic ground rules:

- when in doubt, don't know what to do next, or even bored...leave a comment!
- be yourself
- remember, your words can plant seeds. Which seeds...that's up to you!
- I like you and what you have to say :D

So what are you waiting for?? Have fun commenting :D ♥

♥ Alisha ♥