
Take the survey

Please fill out this survey and send it to me as soon as you can. This survey will help me discover what your interests are, what you want to see on my blog, and most importantly what you don’t like about it. As the author of this blog, I would really like to know what you (my readers) truly think about this blog, what you want to see on my blog, etc.

I would like to see more posts on…
Lessons from your Bible reading
Moments from your life
all of the above

I really don’t like articles with the topic of…
true friendship
beauty & character
goals & recaps

As an individual I believe in:

I really don’t like the fact that you won’t allow pictures with young ladies wearing tight pants, tight shirts, etc.

I absolutely love the fact that you encourage young ladies to grow in faith and strive to be the godly young woman God wants them to be.

I would like to see interviews with different young ladies.

I really like the blogoversary & blog parties you have …

I would like to see more monthly challenges …


Looking forward to seeing what y'all have to say :)

In HIS grace, Alisha


  1. As a Christian woman I don't that there is ANYTHING wrong with wearing pants! However, I do believe that tight pants/skirts/miniskirts are wrong. Why do you believe that it is wrong for women to wear pants (that aren't tight)?


    1. Alisha,
      Thank you for asking me this question!

      I absolutley 100% agree with you that there isn't ANYTHING wrong with wearing pants. Yes tight pants/skirts/miniskirts are wrong as you stated.
      I wholeheartedly believe that women shouldn't wear anything that "pretains to a man" (Deut. 22:5). However, we all are convicted in different areas at different times.
      What makes wearing pants "wrong" (if you wanna call it that) when the young lady doesn't have a modest heart. As I've stated in a previou post, modesty isn't a feeling or emotion ... it's a matter of the heart. I know many Godly women who wear pants and are very modest. And I know several Godly women who wear modest skirts but are very immodest. It all depends on whether or not their heart is convicted ... not just their mind.

      I pray this answers your question! I have changed that statement to be "tight pants" instead of just "pants" ... that's what I wanted it to be the first time ... thank you for making me aware of my mistake :)

      Blessings, Alisha


Hey there, thanks for stopping by my blog! Okay so I already said what I needed to say in the post, so now is your chance...I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Here are the basic ground rules:

- when in doubt, don't know what to do next, or even bored...leave a comment!
- be yourself
- remember, your words can plant seeds. Which seeds...that's up to you!
- I like you and what you have to say :D

So what are you waiting for?? Have fun commenting :D ♥

♥ Alisha ♥