♡ Will you please tell our readers a little bit about
yourself? What are your favorite pastimes?
♡ Can you tell us about your family? Growing up, what were
your family's convictions?
The Lord has blessed me with two
godly parents who desire to teach their children to walk in God's ways. This
has been a tremendous privilege for my five siblings and I, which also gives us
a responsibility to take what we have been given and run further with it. I'm
grateful for this Biblical foundation, which has enabled me to seek and know
the Lord from an early age. There is still so much we all have to learn, and
God is faithful to teach us in the journey of life. He knows what is best for
us and what will sanctify us—and along the way, His Word is a firm Guide of
♡ How have your standards changed as an individual as you
have matured in your faith?
As I have gotten older, I have
realized why the things my parents have taught me are so important. I have
studied the reasons why “we do what we do.” I can't just blindly walk down a
path—at some point, I'll lose my way. Instead, I need to know from God's Word
what He desires of me and how to live that out daily. It's so easy for us, as
Christian young ladies, to merely rest on our parents' teaching. We can tend to
be lazy about seeking the Lord for ourselves. We have been taught about
Him, but maybe haven't put that much personal effort into studying His Word and
finding out the reasons for our convictions. But our parents' faith and/or our
“good moral lives” will NOT save us. We must personally and individually
realize how short we fall of God's standard, and come before the Lord in
repentance, desiring to mature in our faith and to know Him better. We must
embrace our parents' Biblical convictions for ourselves, knowing why we do so,
so that we can pass on God's testimonies to our future children, as Psalm 78
talks about.
As opposition to Biblical truth
is increasing, persecution of Christians seems imminent. We—you and I—must be
prepared spiritually, by knowing God's Word in and out, knowing what He desires
of us, knowing what is right and wrong—so that we will have an answer for the
hope that lies within us, and we will not cave in worldly pressure. God's grace
is sufficient and will see us through hard days ahead! “Beloved, think it
not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some
strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of
Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad
also with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter 4:12-13)
♡ The Bible commands us to preach the Gospel in Matthew
28:19-20. How do you, as a young lady living under her father's protection,
live this verse out?
The Gospel is what we, as God's
children, should be all about. It should permeate every detail of our lives. It
is not just a three-step salvation tract we hand out on the streets. Rather,
the Gospel is preached through us every day by how we live and the choices we
make. As we live in obedience to God's will for us as daughters and sisters,
submissive to our parents and loving others, the Gospel is made manifest. Our
lives are to be a living sacrifice for Jesus (Romans 12:1). Never forget that
day in and out, you are “preaching the Gospel” to your siblings as they watch
you. When you fail, you have a perfect opportunity to share Jesus by
recognizing your sin and repenting. As they see you needing the Lord and His
forgiveness, it will be a living testimony to them of the Gospel. Use these
daily opportunities to share Jesus with those closest to you in your own home!
♡ You mentioned that you have a
magazine ministry, would you mind telling our readers about the ministry?
KBR Ministries encourages young ladies
in their walk with the Lord through several outreaches, including a books, conference for mothers and daughters,
online articles, and a printed magazine. “The King's Blooming Rose” magazine
unites a community of Christian girls across the nation who love the Lord, and
desire to live for Him while serving their families. KBR also has published
several books for girls, including The Family Daughter and a beautiful
cookbook, The Maiden's Menu. We welcome you to visit www.kingsbloomingrose.com and join
us in our journey to Biblical womanhood!
♡What are some words of encouragement/advice/wisdom that you
can give to young ladies?
Seize the day—you will never have another “today”! Colossians 4:5 says, “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.” Today, we can seek the Lord, prepare for the future, learn useful life skills, serve others, and be faithful in our duties and callings. Do not despise the day of small beginnings (read Zechariah 4:10). We will not just wake up one morning with everything we need to live life obediently for Christ. We must start living for Him today. Sisters, seek the Lord and put Him first in your life. His Word offers us the Path of Life—Jesus Christ! “The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4:18)
Alisha, Thank you so much for the opportunity to share!
To find out more about Kings Blooming Rose check out this video
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