
And the winner is ......

Rosi - congratulations on winning this incredible book!!!!!!!!

I will get you in contact with Sarah Bryant right away :)

T O   E V E R Y O N E   E L S E  :

Stay tuned for a guest post, a giveaway, and a recipe!!

In HIS grace, Alisha

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHH! Still can't believe this happened :) Thanks again for the wonderful giveaway & incredible interview, Alisha & Sarah!


Hey there, thanks for stopping by my blog! Okay so I already said what I needed to say in the post, so now is your chance...I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Here are the basic ground rules:

- when in doubt, don't know what to do next, or even bored...leave a comment!
- be yourself
- remember, your words can plant seeds. Which seeds...that's up to you!
- I like you and what you have to say :D

So what are you waiting for?? Have fun commenting :D ♥

♥ Alisha ♥