First I want to say, thank you so much Alisha for asking me to do this, it
has been such a joy getting to know you, and your heart for the Lord
presses me to love Jesus more.
This is my testimony of sorts...;) I grew up in a Christian home and my parents' were/are faithful in teaching me and my siblings about the Lord, and have constantly pointed us to Him. But, also growing up, we were raised in a very strict and legalistic church, in this church, the rules were made more important than Jesus. About six years ago, my parents
eyes were opened, as they started reading the Bible and finding out that a lot of what we believed was not actually Biblical, it was more man-made rules that we had been believing. The Lord slowly brought us out of that "religion" very gracefully, and unlike many to leave very strict backgrounds, I became closer to the Lord rather than far away. About four years ago, the Lord started drawing me to Himself more, He put questions in my mind that only He could answer (and He did). During this time I had such a deep hunger for Jesus, and I wanted all of Him, and nothing else. Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart" was my life verse, I knew if I wanted Him, I must seek Him. I spent time reading His word and talking to my mom a lot about Jesus. Also, during
that season I heard of Ellerslie, and that greatly impacted my walk with the Lord, I went to their Set Apart Girl conferences, and was so encouraged by all the girls there, with their hunger and thirst for Jesus, it just inspired me to pursue Him all the more. I stayed at Ellerslie for a little bit of time, and learned so much, (side note: I went back this fall for 3
weeks, and enjoyed it so much). Ever sense I
have been on a mission to know Jesus more and more each day, not just
know about Him, but truly know Him. He rescued, redeemed and loved me,
even at my worst. He is my Refuge, Well-Beloved, Prince, and Friend.
It is my joy to be able to serve Him with everything I am. It's my
hearts desire to never stop pressing into, and longing for more of Him
in my life, because He is so supremely good and faithful, and He who
promised is faithful!
Hebrews 10:23 -Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering
To know Him, and make Him known,
A little bit about Kelsey:
long to be a Proverbs 31 women, and enjoy all things homemaking. My
dream job would be to be, a wife and mommy if the Lord wills. I take joy
in the little things and enjoy most things girly, and yet, I am an
adventurer at heart and have 5 brothers. Some of those lovely joys in my
life are...The color mint green, my mom, Ellerslie, funny friends, hugs, rainstorms, missions, Biblical femininity, the Gospel, baking, shabby chic, laser tag, a clean house, having 5 brothers, evangelism, sunsets, laughing, organizing,
Set-Apart Girl, adventures, Josh Garrles music, my Bible, chivalry,
photography, Hebrews, Colorado summer nights, hospitality, and star
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♥ Alisha ♥