
Every Heart

You're invited to join Alisha and Moriah
for the

When does it start: May 1, 2015
When does it end: May 10, 2015
What's the purpose: to support Moriah on her trip to Uganda, Africa in June
What's involved: a beautifully made t-shirt from Fund the Nations

Moriah and I pray that you will join us for this wonderful event!!


Rachel's testimony << 2015 Salvation Celebration >>

I've Found a Resting Place

Hi there! I’m Rachel, and the oldest daughter in a family of 8 children. I love to study+memorize the Word of God, spend time with family and friends, play my piano and harp, craft, and so many other things. I blog at www.jewelsofjesus.blogspot.com , so hop on over and check it out sometime. :D Don’t forget to leave a comment!

I was born into a Christian family, for which I am extremely grateful! How blessed am I to have been born into my wonderful family…and having my parents emphasis the importance of following Jesus and obeying His Word is something that will impact the rest of my days. 
From a young age, my parents have taught me about Jesus and the Gospel.  As far back as I can remember, I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart. I remember praying with Daddy on several occasions, but never really feeling any different or freed. 

The Lord kept working in my life, convicting me. Then, in January of 2006, at the age of 8…one evening I was getting ready for bed. I reached out and grabbed my Bible, and started reading in John. After I had read a while, I came to a verse. I don’t remember what it was, but it moved me and a thought popped into my head: “If I died tonight, where would I be?” I knew in my heart that I would be in hell. I started to cry and my Mother came into my room to say goodnight. She asked me what was the matter, and I told her I wanted to ask Jesus to save me. She went and got Daddy and he showed me some verses, and asked if I was ready…and I said, “Yes!” We knelt and I asked the Lord to cleanse me and to give me a new heart. I still remember how I felt…so clean! Praise the Lord!

I did not get baptized immediately because Daddy wanted me to wait until I understood what it all meant. In 2009, I was baptized, and that was such a blessing. 

I am so grateful that the Lord is a merciful and gracious God, one who is slow to anger and forgives men of the evil they have done. I have failed in so many ways, and struggled through many things, but He is patient and kind and is still working on my life! I have learned that salvation is not a “say-a-prayer-and-you’re-done” matter, but a continual walking with the Lord, seeking HIM, dying to self, and so much more. I could keep sharing on different things the Lord has worked in my life, forming a more perfect salvation in my life, but I will just leave it at the beginning of my journey. Please pray for me! 

This hymn is a favorite of mine, and I think it sums my testimony up really well. :) May the Lord bless you!

My faith has found a resting place,
  Not in device nor creed;
I trust the Ever-living One,
  His wounds for me shall plead.

Enough for me that Jesus saves,
  This ends my fear and doubt;
A sinful soul I come to Him,
  He’ll never cast me out.

My heart is leaning on the Word,
  The written Word of God,
Salvation by my Savior’s name,
  Salvation through His blood.

My great Physician heals the sick,
  The lost He came to save;
For me His precious blood He shed,
  For me His life He gave.

I need no other argument,
  I need no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died,
    And that He died for me.
-Eliza E. Hewitt

And last but not least, huge thank you to Alisha for inviting me to share with you. :D 


Emily's testimony << 2015 Salvation Celebration >>

 Ransomed By Mercy

 The question “what is your testimony, or, how did you become born-again,” seems as though it would be an easy one to answer, but it is actually a rather difficult one for me.

The main reason being that in my memory, there has not been an exact defining point in my life where I felt as though I became born-again.  Being a pastor's daughter, I have always been raised around the church, and other believers, so I first gave my heart to the Lord as a small child. Through the years, as I became older and more completely began to understand the workings of the Lord in our lives, I was “up and down,” choosing to be a “Christian” one day, and then becoming discouraged and following my own heart the next. And, sad to say, I at some point completely stopped following the way of the cross. I had a very rebellious heart in my pre-teen and beginning teen years, and I had strayed from following my Heavenly Father in many different and subtle ways, allowing the lies and ideas of the enemy to fill my heart, soul, and mind. It was not until roughly 4 years ago, that my willful ways began to break, and God could really begin guiding me back to Himself. In May of 2011, my Grandfather passed away. That was the first time I had ever dealt with losing “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
someone close to me, and for awhile the grief felt as though it was more than I could bear. Looking back now, I can see how amazing and wondrous it was that through that time my Heavenly Father used the grief I was feeling to bring me back to Him. Although I still feel a deep sadness at the loss of my Grandfather, who was dear to me, I would never want to go back to those days, when the hurt was especially fresh and raw. However, I am very grateful for the lessons God taught me through that time in my life, and wonder to this day where I might be if God had not used something so drastic in my life for good! Travel with me back to a time in my life, in May 2011...After a particularly hard night, I suddenly felt a deep need to find what I can only describe as “something more.” I spontaneously picked up my dusty, rarely-used Bible, and soon found myself on my knees, crying and praying for hours. As the tears fell, it was as though I could feel and picture the tangible presence of God. It was as though He was taking me in His arms and comforting me. To this day, I have never felt the presence of God in such a real and drastic way as I did that night. As God continued to guide me through that time in my life, I determined that I was going to do the right thing and serve Him, no matter what the cost would be! God brought me to a point where I was tired of living with a restless heart, without peace or joy, and I knew that I could no longer make it without Him. Through that season of breaking me, YHWH helped me to realize my need of Him. And since then, God has constantly been drawing me nearer to Him. It may have been more of a "process" for me than it is for some, but I am thankful for the peace and hope I can now say that I have found in a relationship with my Creator. I am constantly learning how to better serve my Redeemer, so I am thankful He is very willing to guide and direct us if we are willing to listen and obey! I could never make it even a day without His mercy and grace. Although the pathway is often not easy, and I so often slip and falter, He is so faithful to hold on to us, as long as we determine to never let go of Him! I pray that His grace will become so very real to you, no matter who you are, or what point of life you are at!

In conclusion, I would like to thank my dear friend Alisha for allowing me the opportunity to share!!


Kelsey's testimony << 2015 Salvation celebration >>

First I want to say, thank you so much Alisha for asking me to do this, it has been such a joy getting to know you, and your heart for the Lord presses me to love Jesus more. 

This is my testimony of sorts...;) I grew up in a Christian home and my parents' were/are faithful in teaching me and my siblings about the Lord, and have constantly pointed us to Him. But, also growing up, we were raised in a very strict and legalistic church, in this church, the rules were made more important than Jesus. About six years ago, my parents eyes were opened, as they started reading the Bible and finding out that a lot of what we believed was not actually Biblical, it was more man-made rules that we had been believing. The Lord slowly brought us out of that "religion" very gracefully, and unlike many to leave very strict backgrounds, I became closer to the Lord rather than far away. About four years ago, the Lord started drawing me to Himself more, He put questions in my mind that only He could answer (and He did). During this time I had such a deep hunger for Jesus, and I wanted all of Him, and nothing else. Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart" was my life verse, I knew if I wanted Him, I must seek Him. I spent time reading His word and talking to my mom a lot about Jesus. Also, during that season I heard of Ellerslie, and that greatly impacted my walk with the Lord, I went to their Set Apart Girl conferences, and was so encouraged by all the girls there, with their hunger and thirst for Jesus, it just inspired me to pursue Him all the more. I stayed at Ellerslie for a little bit of time, and learned so much, (side note: I went back this fall for 3 weeks, and enjoyed it so much). Ever sense I have been on a mission to know Jesus more and more each day, not just know about Him, but truly know Him. He rescued, redeemed and loved me, even at my worst. He is my Refuge, Well-Beloved, Prince, and Friend. It is my joy to be able to serve Him with everything I am. It's my hearts desire to never stop pressing into, and longing for more of Him in my life, because He is so supremely good and faithful, and He who promised is faithful! 

Hebrews 10:23 -Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering

To know Him, and make Him known,

 A little bit about Kelsey:
 I long to be a Proverbs 31 women, and enjoy all things homemaking. My dream job would be to be, a wife and mommy if the Lord wills. I take joy in the little things and enjoy most things girly, and yet, I am an adventurer at heart and have 5 brothers. Some of those lovely joys in my life are...The color mint green, my mom, Ellerslie, funny friends, hugs, rainstorms, missions, Biblical femininity, the Gospel, baking,  shabby chic, laser tag, a clean house, having 5 brothers, evangelism, sunsets, laughing, organizing, Set-Apart Girl, adventures, Josh Garrles music, my Bible, chivalry, photography, Hebrews, Colorado summer nights, hospitality, and star gazing.


C'mon girls ... let's invest!

Today in our society, older sisters who take the time to invest in their younger sibling's lives are extremely hard to come by.  And to the modern families, this “way of sibling-hood” is foreign.  Why? Why is the idea of older sisters investing  foreign?  Honestly ladies, I don't know why!  Perhaps, no one has explained the importance of the investment they put into their sibling's lives.  Perhaps, they haven't been presented with “the challenge”.  No matter what the case may be, it is so important that we, as older sisters, invest in our sibling's lives.

When we invest in our sibling's lives, you show a love that  they will cherish.  This love is not the ushy-gushy love that we hear about today.  The love I'm referring to, is the kind of love Christ commands:

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” 
(John 13:34)

It is so super easy to apply this verse to our outside friendships … am I right?  However, we need to actively apply this verse to our sibling friendships!
When you portray love (John. 13:34) you portray honor.  When you portray love and honor, you aren't allowing pride to get in the way … and when the pride doesn't get in the way, then you become more and more sensitive to the feelings of your siblings.

Being sensitive means to be aware of the feelings of others.  Sure we care feelings of our outside friends … in fact we hate the feeling/thought of offending them in any way!  But when it comes to our sibling's  we seem to throw their feelings off to the side.  Besides … we can get to them later, because we see them 24/7 … right??


Instead of throwing their feelings off to the side, take the time to show that you care!  Become their hero.  Become their shoulder to cry on.  Become their confidant.  Become their best friend.

Romans 12:15 says:

“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.”

The next time your little sister comes to you and says “look look look!  I got an A+ on my spelling test!”  Rejoice with her and show her that you care dearly for what she has to say!  The next time your little brother comes to you with tears running down his cheeks and says “my pet frog died!  What should I do?”  Gather him in your arms, and weep with him.  Host an on the spot funeral for his pet frog.

Why are those little things so important?
How do you want to be remembered by your younger siblings?  Do you want to be remembered as their hero, confidant, best friend, and much more.  Or do you want to be remembered as the older sister who only cared about her personal life?  The question we should ask our-self is : what kind of legacy am I leaving behind for my younger siblings?  Leaving a legacy behind aren't only for when you are blessed to be called “Mommy” and then “Nana” … you begin to leave a legacy when you are living at home.

Be uplifting

Do you have friend who is always pulling you down and pointing out the negativity in everything?  Would you agree with me that it is so hard to enjoy your time with her?  If you don't like spending your time with a person who far from uplifting, then do you think that your siblings enjoy spending time with you if you aren't uplifting?

An uplifting older sister is a girl who:
::lends an encouragement word and a listening ear
I treasure when my adopted-older-sister-by-heart gives me an encouraging word and is always ready to listen to me.  Just recently she sent me a card, encouraging me in the trial I'm currently facing.
Be the older sister who your siblings long to go to for a listening ear and an encouraging word.

::praises them in the little things
Sometimes we often take the little things our siblings do for granted.  The next time your younger sibling does something as small as share their toy with another sibling … offer words of praise.  Or if you and your three year old brother are dancing around the living room, tell him that he's a very good dancer.

:: isn't inferior to her siblings
This is really simple … don't promote a sense of competition in your father's home … instead, promote a sense of companionship.  Be real, open, available when your siblings need to talk.  Allow your siblings to know that their role model has weaknesses … allow them to know your weaknesses.  Also, share with them what God is teaching you … you never know when you'll silently encourage them!

Ways to invest

The way we invest in our sibling's lives is so important!  Will we invest with an un-joyful, negative, and begrudging attitude?  Or will we invest with a joyful, positive, and uplifting attitude?  Our sibling's know when our hearts are truly longing to invest in their lives, or if we are only doing it because our parents want us to. They can tell when we truly show them that deep sincere love that Christ commands in John 13:34 or if we are being double minded.

Fun ways to invest

:: do a Bible study with them (or read them Bible stories if they are too young for a Bible study)
:: take your younger siblings on a surprise picnic
:: throw a surprise tea party for your little sisters
:: dance with them
:: sing with them
:: help them with their AWANA or Bible Bee
:: take them swimming, to the park, bowling, etc.
:: help them with school

… but most importantly …

be on their side!

I have always struggled with investing in my younger sister's life. Thankfully, God has recently convicted me in this area, and taught me what I was able to share with you.

In HIS grace, Alisha


Spring flair modesty

Spring is a fun season! All the flowers start to bloom, birds sing “praises” to their Maker. Not only is this season full of God's beautiful handy-work, but it is also a fun time to dress with a spring flair. However, dressing with a “spring flair” doesn't mean the way you dress needs to be immodest.

There are a bunch of spring dresses out there...the problem is, is finding on that fits your wish list! It makes me made when, while I'm out shopping, I pick up this really cute dress with a cute pattern printed on it. But when I take it off the rack and hold it up, it ends up being either {a} too short {b} low cut or {c} spaghetti strap. Thankfully Mom and I have found away to get around the last two! If it's low cut, we then try our hardest to find a t-shirt (with really short sleeves) to go underneath. Or we get a tank-top to go underneath. Then we also search for a cute short sleeve sweater or jacket to over the dress. Not only is this cute but, but it is also a way to stay cool on warmer spring days.

Just because Spring gives us really warm days here and there, doesn't mean our skirts need to get shorter and shorter in order to stay cool! I have seen so many cute light cotton skirts in such adorable prints. However today in our society, it is extremely hard to find skirts that are long and loose fitting. Ligth cotton skirts are great when the weather is warm, but what about the cool spring days? I personally love denim skirts. Not only are they comfortable, but they keep you warm, and I think they are absolutely cute :)

I as an individual, love the look of modest layering. However my mom can say otherwise, only because it causes more laundry. So the only way I layer is when I wear a v-neck shirt, I then wear a tank-top underneath, but I wear the tank-top backwards {only because it provides a lot more coverage}.

With all this said...don't dress to fit in, dress to stand out!  Be set-apart in what you wear!!

In HIS grace, Alisha